Coquetdale Lodge No.5122
We meet on eight occasions each year, on the 2nd Thursday of each of the following months – October (Installation), November, December, January, February, March, April (our own Burns Night) and May.

Full information about Coquetdale Lodge No.5122, including our Summons, can be found by visiting the Coquetdale Lodge web site.

Contact Details
Lodge Secretary: Robin Murray - 01669 620 930

Lodge Banner
5122 Banner
Coquetdale Lodge was formed in 1929. It came about as a result of a meeting of brethren mainly from Morpeth Lodge, No.4176. There was clearly a need for a lodge in the thriving community of the Coquet Valley, but anyone who wanted to be a mason then, had to travel to Morpeth, Alnwick or Wooler.

On 14th February 1929, 16 brethren, from mostly Morpeth Lodge met at the Jubilee Hall and proposed that a new lodge be formed, called the "Coquetdale Lodge". Brother Sam Cordrey, of Lodge de Ogle, made the proposal…

Following a further meeting, the date of the consecration of the new lodge was set for the 27th June 1929, on which date a lodge was formed, at the County Hotel Billiards Room, by W Bro Charles W Hodgson, Deputy Provincial Grand Master.

The Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro C W Napier Clavering entered, with other officers of Provincial and Grand Lodge, and the lodge was solemnly constituted, consecrated, and dedicated.

The lodge had 23 founding members and in the first year, there were 15 joining members and a staggering 43 candidates were proposed. On a number of occasions, two degrees were worked in one evening, with two candidates being initiated and a further two passed.